Eli ajelin tässä netin palomuuritestejä ja esim. Shields UP! ilmoitti Common Ports ja parissa muussa testissä failed: Solicited TCP Packets: RECEIVED (FAILED) — As detailed in the port report below, one or more of your system's ports actively responded to our deliberate attempts to establish a connection. It is generally possible to increase your system's security by hiding it from the probes of potentially hostile hackers. 25 SMTP Closed Your computer has responded that this port exists but is currently closed to connections. 110 POP3 Closed Your computer has responded that this port exists but is currently closed to connections. 143 IMAP Closed Your computer has responded that this port exists but is currently closed to connections. Palomuurina koneesssa Agnitum Outpost. Mitenkähän saan kyseiset portit suljetuiksi, tai onko noista haittaa jos ovat auki? Sygaten testi valittaa samoista porteista. Ja sitten Firefoxista. Saako FF:n toimimaan Win95 luotettavasti ja onko jossain asennusohjeita suomeksi? Englanniksi löysin ja vaatii näköjään jonkin asteista kikkailua saada toimimaan.
Ei taida oikein tossa Win95 pyöriä toi FF:ä. Firefox System Requirements Windows Operating Systems Windows 98 Windows 98SE Windows ME Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 Windows XP (Recommended) Windows Server 2003 Kokeile Sygate:n ilmaista palomuuria,sen pitäisi sulkea noi portit.