Ongelma on tämä: Kun käynnistän FlyFF:in siihen tulee normaalisti patch ohjelma. Mutta se ei saakaan yhetyttä ja tuleekin tällainen ilmoitus: A connection with the server could not be established CODE:12029 RESULT:2 jelpatkaa ku tahtoo vedellä sateenkaari surffilaudalla :<
Tallaine löyty ku foormumeita tutkin, toimi mulla ainaki Hello! I live in Sweden and I have Telia as my internet provider, and sometime last week I couldn't log onto flyff or get to gpotatoes homepage. But, now I've found a way and I'll share it with my fellow FWers! Here it goes: STEP ONE: Download Ultra Surf. STEP TWO: Start up Ultra Surf( it will connect to a server automatically), and then an IE window will open, and the page will be some sort of chinese google. STEP THREE: Just start FLYFF, it should work now. Koodi: