Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ongelma

Viestiketju PC:n pelit -osiossa. Ketjun avasi Maikk1 11.12.2009.

  1. Maikk1

    Maikk1 Member

    Ei toimi online peli, joskus se vain nakkaa jotain errorii ja joskus se vain menee suoraan kiinni koko peli kun painaa playta tai normaali modern warfare 2 kautta sitä multiplayer juttua. Silloin kun tulee error nii avautuu semmonen console jossa lukee:

    ----- Client Initialization Complete -----
    Attempting 44 kHz 16 bit [Windows default] sound
    ----- R_Init -----
    Getting Direct3D 9 interface...
    Pixel shader version is 3.0
    Vertex shader version is 3.0
    Shader model 3.0 code path is available.
    Using Shader model 3.0 code path because it is the best available path on this hardware.
    Attempting 640 x 480 fullscreen with 32 bpp at 60 hz
    Game window successfully created.
    Creating Direct3D device...
    Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0
    Loading fastfile code_post_gfx
    Loading fastfile patch
    Loading fastfile ui
    Loading fastfile common
    Initializing render targets...
    Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
    DirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
    Initializing static model cache...
    Initializing dynamic buffers...
    Initializing particle cloud buffer...
    Creating Direct3D queries...
    Setting initial state...
    Ignoring asset 'coop_lobby' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Ignoring asset 'leave_lobby_warning' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Ignoring asset 'pc_options_video' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Ignoring asset 'pc_options_advanced_video' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Ignoring asset 'apply_picmip_popmenu' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Ignoring asset 'pc_options_audio' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Ignoring asset 'pc_options_controls' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Ignoring asset 'pc_options_voice' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Ignoring asset 'options_graphics' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_texture' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_defaults' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and ui
    Video memory for device: 251 MB.
    Rounded video memory size: 256 MB.
    Available DirectX texture memory: 1473 MB.
    DirectX reports 256 MB of video memory and 1473 MB of available texture memory.
    Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 240 MB.
    Using reported available texture memory: 240 MB.
    Texture detail is set automatically.
    Capping texture detail based on virtual memory of 2047 MB to prevent out-of-memory failure.
    Using picmip 1 on most textures, 1 on normal maps, and 3 on specular maps

    ------- sound system initialization -------
    ------- sound system successfully initialized -------
    GamerProfile - Updating for controller #0 without saving.

    Reading profile for controller 0
    GamerProfile - Updating vars for controller #0.

    GamerProfile - Updating vars for controller #0.

    GamerProfile - Updating for controller #0 without saving.

    --- Common Initialization Complete ---
    Working directory: d:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty
    modern warfare 2
    Found no UPNP devices to query
    Setting our NAT to Open
    Internal and external ports match, setting nat type to Open
    Setting our NAT to Open
    ******************Set External IP******************
    Our external IP is
    Our internal IP is
    Sent to LSP: HELLO: LSPXUID 110000101328f98 - GT "M4ikki" - MID
    0 - HD "yes" - WS "no" - BTN "buttons_default" - STK
    Save Message First Frame Shown: 14218
    ----- CL_Shutdown -----
    ----- CL_ShutdownOnceForAllClients -----
    Ignoring asset 'options_graphics' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and common
    Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_texture' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and common
    Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_defaults' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and common
    Ignoring asset 'pc_options_video' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and common
    Ignoring asset 'pc_options_advanced_video' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and common
    Ignoring asset 'apply_picmip_popmenu' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and common
    Ignoring asset 'pc_options_audio' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and common
    Ignoring asset 'pc_options_controls' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and common
    Ignoring asset 'pc_options_voice' of type menu, between fastfiles patch and common
    Unloaded fastfile common
    Unloaded fastfile ui
    Unloaded fastfile patch
    Unloaded fastfile code_post_gfx
    Unloaded fastfile patch_code_pre_gfx
    Unloaded fastfile code_pre_gfx
    ERROR: No languages available because no localized assets were found

    Could not start process 'iw4mp_ceg.exe'

    Voisikohan joku tietää, että mikä on ongelmana en usko että johtuu koneesta. Koneessa on AMD Athlon 64 x2 5200+ 2,70GHz prosessori ja näytönohjain ATI Radeon HD 3450 ja sitten RAM-Muistia on 4GT. Olen steamin asentanut 3 kertaa uusiksi ja Modern Warfare 2 5-6 kertaa mutta joka kerta sama homma. Normaali yksin peli toimii, mutta sekin välillä tilttailee. Ja silloin kun avaa sen pelin niin siihe tulee jotain et voi painaa kyllä ei ja peruuta ja siinä lukee jotain et haluanko aukasta safe modena sen pelin.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 11.12.2009
  3. ohto96

    ohto96 Member

    jos et ole jo kokeillut safe modea niin kokeile.
    Epäilen kyllä että pelisi on piraatti tosta consolin teksistä

    E:voi olla konekin liian tehoton
    Viimeksi muokattu: 01.03.2011
  4. Maikk1

    Maikk1 Member

    Ei ole piraatti, ja ongelma korjaantui kun asensin windows 7, vista kettuili aina vähän kaikesta. Tulipa myöhään eka vastaus tähän. :D

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