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Microsoft Sidewinder Presicion Racing Wheel ja cmr 2

Viestiketju Vapaata keskustelua -osiossa. Ketjun avasi toni.x 30.09.2002.

  1. toni.x

    toni.x Guest

    Yhtenä kauniina päivänä asensin koneeseeni, jossa on edellä mainittu ratti, Colin McRae Rally 2 :n niin ratti lakkasi toimimasta ja |Ohjauspaneeli|->|Peliohjaimet| ratin kohdalla lukee vaan Unknow... Ajureiden uudestaan asennus ei auta eikä myöskään uudempi DirectX. Missähän vika?
    Moderaattorin viimeksi muokkaama: 30.09.2002
  3. harri_v

    harri_v Guest

    Jos käyttiksesi sattuu olemaan Win98 niin tämä auttaa:


    You need to extract the HID.DLL from the Windows '98 Cabs. To copy this file in to the C:\Windows\System\ directory and overwrite the existing HID.DLL please follow the instructions below.

    1. Place the Windows98 CD in the drive. Now go to Start then Run and where it says 'Open' enter SFC and click OK.

    2. Click on 'Extract one file' and enter HID.DLL. Now click the Start button.

    3. Where it says 'Restore from' this should be the location of the Windows 98 CD. So If your CD-ROM drive is letter 'Q' it would read 'Q:\WIN98\. You don't need alter the 'Save file in' item. After this click on OK

    4. Now it will ask you to back up the HID.DLL file. Make a note of the directory if need be and then click on OK, then click yes to create the Folder.

    5. Now restart your PC and everything should now be Ok.

    For your information your call reference number is 00009223 please quote this in all further correspondence. IF YOU NEED TO REPLY TO THIS EMAIL, PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE ENTIRE TEXT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR REPLY.


    Codemasters Customer Services
  4. toni.x

    toni.x Guest

    On 98. Toivottavasti toi pelaa. Tack.
  5. toni.x

    toni.x Guest

    No nyt toimii :)

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