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Tiedoston muunto ?

Viestiketju Keskustelua kaapeliverkon digibokseista -osiossa. Ketjun avasi Konemake 23.05.2007.

  1. Konemake

    Konemake Regular member

    Millä ohjelmalla voi muuntaa kätevästi Humax PVR-9200C Digiboxin ohjelmatiedoston (Tiedosto on ts loppuinen) eli aukeaa VLC Media Player ohjelmalla. Omalla tietokoneella esim. avi tai mpg loppuiseksi ?

    Kun saisi tiedoston esim. mpg loppuiseksi voisi poistaa mainokset pois esim. VideoReDo Plus. Voiko Humax PVR-9200C boxissa moistaa mainokset ennen siirtoa ?

    Kiitos tiedoista !
  3. arskaxx

    arskaxx Active member

    VideoRedolle kelpaa Humaxin .ts tiedostot sellaisenaan, ei tarvitse muuttaa .mpg-fileeksi ensin, mutta DVB-tekstitys ei sitten tallennu tuolla, sitä varten on ProjectX.

    Humaxin boxilla voi leikellä mainoksia, mutta kuten aiemmin sanoin en ole vielä tutkinut miten tarkka tuo leikkaus on, mieluummin leikkaan VideoRedolla.
  4. Konemake

    Konemake Regular member

    Mä en saa VideoReDo Plus ohjelmalla auki ts loppuista tiedostoa. Tulee seuraava teksti kun yritän avata
    "Unable to open tiedoston nimi.ts
    No PIDS specified when trying to open a transport stream.

    ja Unable to open file tiedoston nimi.ts

    On se kumma kun mä en saa toimii noita ohjelmia millään. Alkaa kohta mennä hermot.
  5. arskaxx

    arskaxx Active member

    Epäilen edelleen virheitä tiedonsiirrossa. Oletko kokeillut toista USB-kaapelia ?
  6. Konemake

    Konemake Regular member

    Olen kokeillut toista, usb-kaapelia, ei auttanut.
    VideoReDo Plus avaa kyllä mpg-tiedostot, mutta ei ts-tiedostoja.
    ProjectX-v0.90.04.00-20060330 sain nyt pätkittyä ohjelmaa ja lopputuloskin oli kohtuullinen.

    Voisiko ongelmat johtua humaksin vanhasta ohjelmistoversiosta ? boxi meni tänään päivitettäväksi. Olisi vielä yksi ongelma, mutta se täytyy vissiin laittaa tonne dvd-osastolle.
  7. arskaxx

    arskaxx Active member

    Luultavasti ei vaikuta päivitys tuohon mitenkään (mutta kuka tietää).

    Oletko muuten VideoRedon logeja tutkinut "Help-->Display VideoRedo Logs-->Display VideoRedo Log", jos siellä näkyisi jotain ?

    Jos se DVD-ongelma liittyy jotenkin tuohon tallenteeseen tai digiboxiin, niin laita tänne vaan ;)
  8. Konemake

    Konemake Regular member

    Tässä logi tietoja

    2007-05-23 19:06:24 VideoReDo Plus started. Licensed to: Trial Copy, Days left in trial: 2, Version: 2. 5. 5. 512 - Mar 28 2007 (00150046Trial}
    2007-05-23 19:06:45

    ***** Loading: E:\Suomi express.mpg

    2007-05-23 19:06:45 Unable to open: E:\Suomi express.mpg
    No PIDs specified when trying to open a transport stream.
    2007-05-23 19:24:35 VideoReDo Plus started. Licensed to: Trial Copy, Days left in trial: 2, Version: 2. 5. 5. 512 - Mar 28 2007 (00150046Trial}
    2007-05-23 19:24:48

    ***** Loading: E:\Suomi express.ts.mpg

    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Using display driver: DX-RGB
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 MPEG Audio Frame Error 1 at: 00:00:00.00
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 280.01 (00:00:00.07), frame type: 3, temporal: 9 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 40.01 (00:00:00.01), frame type: 3, temporal: 3 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 200.01 (00:00:00.05), frame type: 3, temporal: 7 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 80.01 (00:00:00.02), frame type: 3, temporal: 4 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 200.01 (00:00:00.05), frame type: 3, temporal: 7 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 40.01 (00:00:00.01), frame type: 3, temporal: 3 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 320.01 (00:00:00.08), frame type: 3, temporal: 10 (2)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 320.01 (00:00:00.08), frame type: 3, temporal: 10 (2)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.07, originalPTS: 280.01 (00:00:00.07), frame type: 3, temporal: 9 (2)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.07, originalPTS: 320.01 (00:00:00.08), frame type: 3, temporal: 10 (2)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 240.01 (00:00:00.06), frame type: 2, temporal: 8 (11)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 280.01 (00:00:00.07), frame type: 3, temporal: 9 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 160.01 (00:00:00.04), frame type: 3, temporal: 6 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 80.01 (00:00:00.02), frame type: 3, temporal: 4 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 360.01 (00:00:00.09), frame type: 2, temporal: 11 (11)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 360.01 (00:00:00.09), frame type: 2, temporal: 11 (11)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 320.01 (00:00:00.08), frame type: 3, temporal: 10 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 80.01 (00:00:00.02), frame type: 3, temporal: 4 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 160.01 (00:00:00.04), frame type: 3, temporal: 6 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 320.01 (00:00:00.08), frame type: 3, temporal: 10 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 280.01 (00:00:00.07), frame type: 3, temporal: 9 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 200.01 (00:00:00.05), frame type: 3, temporal: 7 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 MPEG Audio Frame Error 1 at: 00:00:00.00
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 280.01 (00:00:00.07), frame type: 3, temporal: 9 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 40.01 (00:00:00.01), frame type: 3, temporal: 3 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 200.01 (00:00:00.05), frame type: 3, temporal: 7 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 80.01 (00:00:00.02), frame type: 3, temporal: 4 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 200.01 (00:00:00.05), frame type: 3, temporal: 7 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 40.01 (00:00:00.01), frame type: 3, temporal: 3 (-1)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 320.01 (00:00:00.08), frame type: 3, temporal: 10 (2)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.06, originalPTS: 320.01 (00:00:00.08), frame type: 3, temporal: 10 (2)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.07, originalPTS: 280.01 (00:00:00.07), frame type: 3, temporal: 9 (2)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.07, originalPTS: 320.01 (00:00:00.08), frame type: 3, temporal: 10 (2)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 240.01 (00:00:00.06), frame type: 2, temporal: 8 (11)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 280.01 (00:00:00.07), frame type: 3, temporal: 9 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 160.01 (00:00:00.04), frame type: 3, temporal: 6 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 80.01 (00:00:00.02), frame type: 3, temporal: 4 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 360.01 (00:00:00.09), frame type: 2, temporal: 11 (11)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 360.01 (00:00:00.09), frame type: 2, temporal: 11 (11)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 320.01 (00:00:00.08), frame type: 3, temporal: 10 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 80.01 (00:00:00.02), frame type: 3, temporal: 4 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 160.01 (00:00:00.04), frame type: 3, temporal: 6 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 320.01 (00:00:00.08), frame type: 3, temporal: 10 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 280.01 (00:00:00.07), frame type: 3, temporal: 9 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:24:50 Temporal frame drop, at: 00:00:00.08, originalPTS: 200.01 (00:00:00.05), frame type: 3, temporal: 7 (5)
    2007-05-23 19:44:49 VideoReDo Plus started. Licensed to: Trial Copy, Days left in trial: 2, Version: 2. 5. 5. 512 - Mar 28 2007 (00150046Trial}
    2007-05-23 19:45:13

    ***** Loading: E:\Suomi express.ts

    2007-05-23 19:45:13 Unable to open: E:\Suomi express.ts
    No PIDs specified when trying to open a transport stream.
    2007-05-23 19:46:08 VideoReDo Plus started. Licensed to: Trial Copy, Days left in trial: 2, Version: 2. 5. 5. 512 - Mar 28 2007 (00150046Trial}
    2007-05-23 19:46:22

    ***** Loading: E:\Suomi express.mpg

    2007-05-23 19:46:22 Unable to open: E:\Suomi express.mpg
    No PIDs specified when trying to open a transport stream.
    2007-05-23 22:38:00 VideoReDo Plus started. Licensed to: Trial Copy, Days left in trial: 2, Version: 2. 5. 5. 512 - Mar 28 2007 (00150046Trial}
    2007-05-23 22:38:23

    ***** Loading: E:\Suomi express.ts

    2007-05-23 22:38:23 Unable to open: E:\Suomi express.ts
    No PIDs specified when trying to open a transport stream.
    2007-05-23 22:39:32

    ***** Loading: E:\Suomi express.ts

    2007-05-23 22:39:32 Unable to open: E:\Suomi express.ts
    No PIDs specified when trying to open a transport stream.
    2007-05-24 09:24:20 VideoReDo Plus started. Licensed to: Trial Copy, Days left in trial: 1, Version: 2. 5. 5. 512 - Mar 28 2007 (00150046Trial}
    2007-05-24 09:24:40

    ***** Loading: E:\Suomi express.m2p

    2007-05-24 09:24:40 Using display driver: DX-RGB
    2007-05-24 09:28:22 Starting new Frame Accurate Output Segment: start:69120.022 (00:01:09.03), end:369120.022 (00:06:09.03)
    2007-05-24 09:28:37 Output complete. Input file: E:\Suomi express.m2p
    Output file: E:\Make.mpg
    Mode: Frame Accurate
    -Video output packets: 49465
    -Audio output packets: 4160
    -Padding output packets: 0
    Video output frames: 7501
    Audio output frames: 12502
    Processing time (secs): 10
    Processed frames/sec: 682.84
    Actual Video Bitrate: 2.65 Mbps
    - PTS underflows: 1

    2007-05-24 09:29:28 Starting new Frame Accurate Output Segment: start:69120.022 (00:01:09.03), end:369120.022 (00:06:09.03)
    2007-05-24 10:07:50 VideoReDo Plus started. Licensed to: Trial Copy, Days left in trial: 1, Version: 2. 5. 5. 512 - Mar 28 2007 (00150046Trial}
    2007-05-24 10:08:28

    ***** Loading: E:\make 2.mpg

    2007-05-24 10:08:28 Using display driver: DX-RGB
    2007-05-24 16:09:55 VideoReDo Plus started. Licensed to: Trial Copy, Days left in trial: 1, Version: 2. 5. 5. 512 - Mar 28 2007 (00150046Trial}
    2007-05-24 16:10:10

    ***** Loading: E:\Suomi express.ts

    2007-05-24 16:10:10 Unable to open: E:\Suomi express.ts
    No PIDs specified when trying to open a transport stream.
    2007-05-24 16:10:25

    ***** Loading: E:\make 2.mpg

    2007-05-24 16:10:25 Using display driver: DX-RGB
    2007-05-24 20:07:42 VideoReDo Plus started. Licensed to: Trial Copy, Days left in trial: 1, Version: 2. 5. 5. 512 - Mar 28 2007 (00150046Trial}

    Tiedot ovat humax boxin ajalta.

    Tässä linkki mun dvd-soitin ongelmaan:
  9. arskaxx

    arskaxx Active member

    Eipä tuosta logistakaan oikein mitään selvinnyt, mutta sultahan loppuu jo aikakin tuosta ohjelmasta, niin ei kai sillä enää väliä :)

Jaa tämä sivu