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Palm V kämmäri

Viestiketju Kämmenmikrot -osiossa. Ketjun avasi impomaa 05.01.2007.

  1. impomaa

    impomaa Member

    Heps kaikille tietäville !
    Miten saisi Palm V;N takakannen auki. Ei ota ohjelmia vataan, ilmoitaa et. failure card
    Sisältä kuuluu helinää.
    Huollot etelässä kaukana meistä.
  3. Jurvelo

    Jurvelo Guest

    Seuraavassa linkki jossa eng. ohjeet:

    Opening the case
    This is a potentially damaging step. The case is glued shut. Use a hair dryer to melt the case glue a bit and pry it open. Be very careful to avoid heating the screen. Too much heat will damage it. The same applies to the black button assembly. Too much heat and it will dry out and shrink. You'll need to remove both the front and back of the case. The power button will fall out when you remove the front -- don't lose it. Don't remove the exess glue, since it will be used later to reseal the case.

    Once open, the parts need to be separated. The battery is also held in place by glue. It can be carefully pried away without heat, and unplugged from the system board. There are two connections from the screen to the system board (one is the digitizer, the other is the LCD display). Unplug these (don't force it. There is a locking mechanism on each cable. The button assembly is held in place on two plastic posts. Roger Dewsbury's page (link above) has a bit more detailed information about the case and getting it all apart.

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