Omistan A-Linkin USB-liitäntäisen WLAN kortin, ja valmistajan sivuilta voi ladata Linuxia varten ajuripaketin. Latasin sen, ja mukana oli seuraavanlaiset ohjeet: ZD1211 - linux driver for ZyDAS ZD1211 based usb 2.0 wlan adapters ------------------------------------------------------------------ Reqirements: ------------ - Kernel 2.4.x. I am developing the driver on 2.4.24, but it reportedly also works on 2.4.x. If your kernels version is less than 2.4.22 (for example Red Hat 9.0 is 2.4.20-8), suggest to upgrade kernel for better support on USB 2.0. - Kernel 2.6.x. This driver has been verify on 2.6.6 and 2.6.7. - To build zd1211 you will need: Configured kernel source code for the kernel you are running. Ideally, Configured means that you have at least run 'make config', 'make menuconfig', or 'make xconfig'. If your platform is not SMP system, please don't config SMP supported, because when module loaded, this will make unresolved symbol.. - Make sure your kernel usb 2.0 support is running - Use lsmod to check "ehci-hcd" module is loaded. - If host is not support usb 2.0, zd1211 will run under pure-b mode. Building zd1211: ------------ 1) untar the package using the command: tar zxvf zd1211-XXXX.tar.gz 2) edit the Makefile to make sure the path of KERNEL_SOURCE is your are running, and the kernel version is correctly configure. 3) Under zd1211-XXXX/zdsta directory, use "make clean", "make", "make install" to make and install driver. Saan paketin purettua X-konsolissa, ja vaihe "make clean" menee ok, mutta "make" ja "make install" -vaiheissa kone väittää, ettei ole olemassa "sääntöä" modules -tietoa varten.. Ohjeessa käsketään myös tarkistaa lsmodilla, että "ehci-hcd" on ladattu, lsmodilla en sitä löytänyt listalta.. Linux on OpenSuse 10.2. Osaako joku neuvoa, miten tässä pitäisi toimia? Kiitos jo etukäteen!