Moi, kun asensin pandan activescania...Niin avast ilmoitti viruksesta, joka oli Win32:Kuang2 ja saastunut tiedosto olisi imscan.dll. En pysty käyttämään activescania ollenkaa enään. Näin ei ole käynyt muiden virustorjuntaohjelmien kanssa. Onko kenelläkään kokemusta tällaisesta?
Juu... Elikkä jos haluat tuon pandan ajaa ni sun täytyy luultavasti ottaa avast siks aikaa pois käytöstä. Eli tuo ei ole virus vaan osa pandaa. Tuolla lisää juttua siitä:
Tuollaista tietoa löytyy tuosta. Q: False alarm - viruses detected in Panda Antivirus files (Win95:Matyas and Win32:Kuang2 in PAV.SIG mainly)?! A: This is a known problem. Let´s try to explain what´s going on: Every virus can be identified, because it contains some unique signatures. Antiviral programs have their own database of that signatures. We call this database the "virus definition file". When an antiviral program scans a file for viruses, it compares all the signatures (of all viruses) in the database with the signatures in that file. If the signatures match (they are the same), the file is marked as infected. For an antivirus program, it is important to hide this database of signatures somehow - e.g. by encrypting it. Panda Antivirus does not encrypt its virus database - the signatures inside are clearly "visible" to other antiviral programs, so they detect this file as infected (but there is actually no virus inside - only the signatures are the same). We can´t do anything about that, only recommend not to use two or more antiviral programs at the same time, or put that files to the list of exclusions, so they will not be scanned anymore. edit:very very fast... but not so furious..again!